Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 21, 2023
Those Who Will Be Persevering and Believe to the End Will Be Remembered in Future Times
Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy of August 20, 2023

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Most Holy Trinity is here among you.
My Son Michael, the most powerful Archangel who is in Heaven and on earth, is here and will speak to all of you. My Son Jesus has prepared your minds and hearts to welcome the new things that Heaven wishes to bestow in this place, which I love so much, those who will be persevering and believe to the end will be remembered in future times. This Grotto has always been protected by Archangel Michael, since ancient times, for great tangible signs have occurred here, and there will be more, My Statue will be found here again, shocking everyone.
Soon the little shepherd will speak to you and tell you about His origins and how He came here, to this Cave that protected Him. I love you My children, immensely, My presence is very strong in your midst, the wings of Archangel Michael are over you all. I bless you My children, I give you a kiss, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.
Brothers, sisters, I am Michael, the most powerful Archangel who stands in Heaven and on earth, I am the General of the Divine Army and I stand before God the Most High. In your midst are the Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, who form an angelic barrier so that there is no impurity, ask Them to free your minds clouded by the world that oppresses you, in your midst the Holy Trinity has descended, honor it.
My presence in this place is powerful since ancient times, all the Caves consecrated to God are guarded by the Archangels of God. The Statue of Mary Most Holy of the Bridge was kept in a Cave for 500 years near Jerusalem, right on the Mount of God.
The Baptizing Community cared for it, no one knew of its existence, only those who adhered to the Christian creed. When it was found by men who did not believe in Jesus Christ, they tried to move it, but they could not, only when the Most High raised His arm was it possible to move it. The men who protected it were martyred and killed, and today they are Saints of Heaven; they were about 25 men along with women and children. The Most High chose this Grotto because it remembers that same Grotto where His faithful shed blood for Mary. To honor the Blessed Mother Mary, the day Mary was born on earth was chosen to bring the Statue to this place, August 5, 1425. The men who found the Statue tried to move it, but failed for a year. Many were disturbed by this event and many were afraid to approach this place, but many faithful decided to honor Mary, the Grotto was filled with flowers and on the same day, a year later, it was moved to perform the prodigy.
Brothers, sisters, this story many people ignore knowing it for fear of having to change their lives, the signs that the Most High bestowed are great in many families in Alcamo and Partinico, but the Church was afraid of persecution from men who did not believe in Jesus Christ. When the Statue returned the fifth time to this place, the people of Alcamo, Partinico and Balestrate decided to keep it in a Shrine, but for fear of losing the gift of Heaven they built a picture, very soon the picture too would disappear, because it did not belong to the prodigy of Mary Most Holy of the Bridge. Fear not, fear not, fear not, those who have faith fear nothing, they await the Hand of the Most High with faith, only those who fear God can understand.
Brothers, sisters, today My mission has come to an end, soon I will return together with Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael, I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.